NER Ulysses Reading Series: National Poetry Month Edition - April 17, 7 PM, Humanities House, Middlebury College

Kazim Ali’s books include poetry, essay, fiction, translation, and cross-genre work. He is a professor in the Literature Department at the University of California, San Diego, located in unceded Kumeyaay lands.

Linda Frazee Baker’s translations of works by Ingeborg Bachmann, Max Frisch, and Ödön von Horváth have appeared in the Guardian, Asymptote, Metamorphoses, Web Conjunctions, and the Brooklyn Rail. Her fiction and creative nonfiction have appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Sakura Review, and Drunken Boat. She is assistant editor at No Man’s Land: New German Literature in English Translation.

Oliver Baez Bendorf is the author of Advantages of Being Evergreen (CSU Poetry Center, 2019) and The Spectral Wilderness (Kent State University, 2015). His writing has been published or is forthcoming in American Poetry Review, BOMB, Kenyon Review, Poetry, and Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics. Born and raised in Iowa, he has received fellowships from CantoMundo, Lambda, Vermont Studio Center, and University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Creative Writing, and is currently an assistant professor of Creative Writing at Kalamazoo College in Michigan.

Michael Bogan lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is currently working on a collection of essays about loneliness. Previous work has appeared in River Teeth, Southwest Review, and others.

Maud Casey is the author of four works of fiction, most recently The Man Who Walked Away (Bloomsbury, 2014), and a nonfiction book, The Art of Mystery: The Search for Questions (Graywolf, 2018). “The City Itself” is part of an ongoing collaboration with the photographer Laura Larson called The City of Incurable Women.

David Allan Cates is the author of five novels, most recently, Tom Connor’s Gift (Bangtail Press, 2014), and a chapbook of poetry, The Mysterious Location of Kyrgyzstan (Satellite Press, 2016). For eighteen years he was the executive director of Missoula Medical Aid, which sends groups of medical professionals to provide public health and surgery services in Honduras. He is currently a part-time instructor at the Rainier Writing Workshop, a low-residency MFA program at Pacific Lutheran University.

Jennifer Chang is the author of two books of poems, The History of Anonymity (University of Georgia Press, 2008) and Some Say the Lark (Alice James Books, 2017), winner of the 2018 William Carlos Williams Award. Her essays on poetry have appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, New Literary History, the Volta, and in books on Asian American literature and culture and the Harlem Renaissance. She co-chairs the advisory board of Kundiman and teaches at George Washington University and at Bennington College’s MFA in Writing program.

Ching-In Chen is a genderqueer Chinese American hybrid writer, community organizer, and teacher. They are author of The Heart’s Traffic (Arktoi/Red Hen Press, 2009); recombinant (Kelsey Street Press, 2017; winner of the 2018 Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry); and how to make black paper sing (speCt! Books, 2019). Chen is also co-editor of The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities (South End Press, 2011; AK Press 2016) and Here Is a Pen: An Anthology of West Coast Kundiman Poets (Achiote Press, 2009). They currently teach Creative Writing and Performance at University of Washington-Bothell.

Su Cho received her MA in English Literature and MFA in Poetry from Indiana University. She is managing editor of Cream City Review after serving as editor-in-chief of Indiana Review. She is pursuing a PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she is an Advanced Opportunity Fellow. Her poems are forthcoming and/or found in Poetry, Colorado Review, Pleiades, the Journal, Crab Orchard Review, BOAAT, Thrush Poetry Review, PANK, Sugared Water, and elsewhere. Her essay “Cleaving Translation” was the winner of Sycamore Review’s 2019 Wabash Prize for Creative Nonfiction, selected by Kiese Laymon.

Julia Cohen’s most recent book is a hybrid collection of lyric essays, I Was Not Born (Noemi Press, 2014). Her essays and poems appear in journals such as Nat.Brut, the Rumpus, Juked, Jellyfish Review, and BOMB. With Abby Hagler, she runs an interview column at Tarpaulin Sky, so feel free to contact her about your forthcoming books.

Jay Deshpande is the author of Love the Stranger and The Rest of the Body (2015 and 2017 from YesYes Books). His poems have appeared in AGNI, Boston Review, Denver Quarterly, Narrative, and elsewhere. He has received fellowships from Kundiman and Civitella Ranieri and is a winner of the Scotti Merrill Award. He is a 2018–2020 Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University.

Nandini Dhar is the author of the book Historians of Redundant Moments: A Novel in Verse (Agape Editions, 2016). Her poems and short stories have appeared in Cincinnati Review, Little Patuxent Review, and elsewhere. Currently, she is working on a collection of short stories and a full-length poetry collection.

John Freeman is editor of the literary annual Freeman’s, and author of several books including How to Read a Novelist (FSG Originals, 2013), Maps (Copper Canyon Press, 2017), and Dictionary of the Undoing (FSG Originals, 2019). He has also edited a trilogy of anthologies about inequality, concluding with Tales of Two Planets (Penguin, 2020), a book on the uneven effect the climate crisis will have across earth. The Park, his new collection of poems, will be published in May by Copper Canyon Press. His work has been translated into twenty-two languages.

Max Frisch (1911–1991) was a Swiss dramatist, novelist, and politically engaged essayist. In novels such as Stiller (1954) and Homo Faber (1957), he explored the complex nature of human identity. His plays Biedermann and the Fire Raisers (1953) and Andorra (1961) have been interpreted as parables about the rise of fascism. In later years he defended the rights of Italian guest workers and called for Switzerland to confront its “unconquered past” of quiet collaboration with Nazism which, he believed, had prevented a German invasion. His extensive body of work contributed significantly to the postwar rehabilitation of German as a language in which literature could still be written.

Rodney Gomez is the author of Citizens of the Mausoleum (Sundress Publications, 2018), a finalist for the John A. Robertson Award from the Texas Institute of Letters; Ceremony of Sand (YesYes Books, 2019); Arsenal with Praise Song (Orison Books, 2020); and Geographic Tongue (Pleiades Press, 2020), winner of the Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series. His work appears in Poetry, Poetry Northwest, Gettysburg Review, Blackbird, Denver Quarterly, Verse Daily, and other journals. He is a member of the Macondo Writers’ Workshop.

Elin Hawkinson holds an MFA in creative writing from Eastern Washington University. Her fiction has appeared in American Short Fiction, Tin House Online, Crab Creek Review, Midwestern Gothic, and others. She has previously lived and taught English in Kobe, Japan.

Vandana Khanna is the author of two collections of poetry, Train to Agra (Crab Orchard Series in Poetry, 2001) and Afternoon Masala (University of Arkansas Press, 2014), and the chapbook The Goddess Monologues (Diode Editions, 2016). Her poems have won the Crab Orchard Review First Book Prize, the Miller Williams Poetry Prize, and the Diode Editions Chapbook Competition, and have appeared in publications such as the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, Pleiades, Prairie Schooner, and Guernica. She is a poetry editor at the Los Angeles Review.

Joanna Klink is the author of four books of poetry. She has received awards from the Trust of Amy Lowell and the Guggenheim Foundation. Her fifth book, The Nightfields, is forthcoming from Penguin in July.

Zach Linge (pronouns: they/them/theirs) has poems published or forthcoming in Poetry, Puerto del Sol, Split Lip Magazine, and elsewhere, and a refereed article in African American Review. Linge lives and teaches in Tallahassee, where they serve as editor-in- chief of the Southeast Review.

Robert Lopez is the author of five books, the most recent of which are Good People (Bellevue Literary Press, 2016) and All Back Full (Dzanc Books, 2017). A Better Class of People, a novel-in-stories, will be published by Four Way Books in 2021. He teaches at The New School and Pratt Institute.

Alessandra Lynch is the author of three books, including Daylily Called It a Dangerous Moment (Alice James Books, 2017). Her fourth book, Pretty Tripwire, will be published by Alice James Books in 2021. She has received residencies at Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony. Her poems have appeared recently in Kenyon Review, 32 Poems Magazine, Colorado Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere. Currently she is poet-in-residence at Butler University in Indianapolis.

Campbell McGrath’s latest book, Nouns & Verbs: New and Selected Poems (Ecco, 2019), was one of the Ten Best Poetry Books of the Year, as selected by the New York Times. He teaches in the MFA program at Florida International University in Miami.

Philip Metres has written ten books, including Shrapnel Maps (Copper Canyon Press, 2020), Sand Opera (Alice James Books, 2015), Pictures at an Exhibition (Akron Series in Poetry, 2016), and The Sound of Listening: Poetry as Refuge and Resistance (University of Michigan Press, 2018). Awarded the Lannan Fellowship, three Arab American Book Awards, two NEAs, and the Adrienne Rich Award, he is professor of English and director of the Peace, Justice, and Human Rights program at John Carroll University.

Brian Nash is a child of 1960s New England. He grew up in Boston and spent summers at his grandfather’s house on Cape Cod and on his dad’s boat on Nantucket. He has fond memories of that time, and loves the aesthetic and innocence of the ’60s. He tends to paint images from memory, which gives his paintings a somewhat nostalgic feeling— while also being modern.

Patrick Phillips’s most recent collection of poems is Elegy for a Broken Machine (Knopf, 2015), which was a finalist for the National Book Award. He is also the author of a book of nonfiction, Blood at the Root: A Racial Cleansing in America (W. W. Norton & Company, 2016), which won an American Book Award. He teaches writing and literature at Stanford University.

Christine Sneed’s stories have appeared in New England Review and have been included in The Best American Short Stories and The O. Henry Prize Stories anthologies. Her most recent book is The Virginity of Famous Men (Tortoise Books, 2017). She lives in Pasadena, California.

Maura Stanton’s poems and stories have appeared recently or are forthcoming in the Hudson Review, Poetry East, Antioch Review, Zone 3, Bennington Review, Pembroke Magazine, and Firsts: 100 Years of Yale Younger Poets, edited by Carl Phillips. Her short story “Oh Shenandoah,” originally published in the New England Review, was read on stage at Symphony Space and the Dallas Museum of Art as part of Selected Shorts’ celebration of 100 years of the O. Henry Award.

Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. Her first novel, Noah’s Wife, was published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons in 2016. Her writing has recently appeared in Southern Review, Ploughshares, and the Cincinnati Review. She teaches and writes in Minneapolis, where she swims in the lakes and skis in the streets. She lives with her husband and a geriatric golden retriever.

Corey Van Landingham is the author of Antidote (Ohio State University Press, 2013), winner of the Ohio State University Press/The Journal Award in Poetry, and Love Letter to Who Owns the Heavens (Tupelo Press, 2021). She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and a Wallace Stegner Fellowship from Stanford University, and her poems have appeared in Best American Poetry, Boston Review, Kenyon Review, and the New Yorker. She teaches in the MFA program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Emily Jungmin Yoon is the author of A Cruelty Special to Our Species (Ecco, 2018), winner of the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award, and of Ordinary Misfortunes (Tupelo, 2017), winner of the Sunken Garden Chapbook Prize. Her poems and translations have appeared in the New Yorker, Paris Review, Poetry, and elsewhere. She has accepted awards and fellowships from the Poetry Foundation, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Aspen Institute, and elsewhere. She is the poetry editor for The Margins, the literary magazine of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop, and a PhD candidate in Korean literature at the University of Chicago.

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