NER Ulysses Reading Series: National Poetry Month Edition - April 17, 7 PM, Humanities House, Middlebury College

In this time of continuing financial uncertainty, we are pleased to say that many people have again come forward to offer their support for the New England Review. All of us here at NER would like to express our sincere thanks to the friends who have committed themselves to sustaining us—authors, subscribers, and general readers—and we want especially to indicate our deep indebtedness to the numerous donors who have confirmed their participation in our efforts. In keeping with our promise, we here present the names of those whose financial contributions were received in 2011. Their gifts have helped to insure the ongoing publication of NER, and we are immensely grateful for the generosity and confidence that they have demonstrated.

We’d also like to acknowledge the efforts of the Middlebury College administration and the Office of College Advancement, who have provided continuing fundraising support, and to express our thanks to the office of College Communications, especially senior designer Carey Bass, for helping us to complete an important design update, which begins with this issue. Our deep thanks as well to the department of Library and Information Services, for technical assistance with our new expanded website

—Stephen Donadio, Editor

 2011 Patrons

Stephen Bowen
Susan & George L. Cady Jr.
The Cricket Foundation
Nancy & Jeffrey Dunham
Andrea Gaito & Joseph Lutz
Sydney Lea
The National Endowment for the Arts
Mary Ann & Michael St. Peter
Bruce Willard

2011 Donors

James Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Shannon Robinson & James Arthur
Eden Smith Beck & Raphael Beck
Robert Bennett
Shirley & Raymond Benson
Suzanne Berger
Holly Beatty & J. Christopher Bernene
Lucy Berrington
Mary Ellen & John A. Bertolini
Brian Biunno
Marianne Boruch
Charles Boyce
Heather & Andrew Bucknam
Dina Maggipinto & Richard Burke
Charles Butterfield
Jane Caldwell
William T. Carroll
Nicholas Clifford
Michael Coffey
Katherine Branch & Michael Collier
Brianna Cullen
Lauren Dean
Lexa deCourval
Ronlyn Domingue
Emmie & Stephen Donadio
Neal Donahue
Cecelia & Murray Dry
Prescott Evarts Jr.
Susan Ferraro
Elizabeth Mitchell-Fink & Jesse Fink
Castle Freeman Jr.
Joanna Fried
Ann Gateley
Susan Giannelli
Anne-Laure Vieille & Anthony Giustini
Rachel Hadas
Julie Hansen
Ihab Hassan
Molly Brown & Ehud Havazelet
Sophia W. Healy
Julie Hile & Robert Broad
Charles Holdefer
Lucy & Simeon Hutner
Elizabeth Jackson
Kafan FX Information Services
Jennifer & David Keeling
Alison Kling
Joann Kobin
Carolyn Kuebler & Christopher Ross
Marie Kuebler
Monica & Peter Kuebler
Bethany Ladimer & George Holoch
Marie-Helene Lane
Mary Lannon
J. Michael Lennon
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Linguatext Ltd.
Karin & Jeffrey Maddox
Wendy Lynch & Gary Margolis
Caroline & Gregg Marston
Benjamin Martin
Amanda C. McTyre
Mireille Barbaud-McWilliams & John P. McWilliams Jr.
Michael Milburn
Stefano Mula
Jennifer & Paul E. Nelson
Sarah & J. Trent Nutting
James W. O’Brien
Madeline Oatman
Robert Oldshue
Charlene Ortuno
Elisse Ota
Rebecca Pace
Patrick Phillips
Ruth Shepherd & Kenneth Pohlman
Glen Pourciau
Henriette Lazaridis Power & John Power III
Harry Proudfoot
Anne Raeff & Lori Ostlund
Blasdel A. Reardon Jr.
Peter Riegelman
Felicia M. & David E. Robinson
Cheryl Faraone & Richard Romagnoli
Jamie Brownlee & David Russell
Linda Saarnijoki & H. William Davis III
Anne Schott & Mark. Smucker
Chaitali Sen
Danielle Shapazian
Susan Kavanagh & Christopher Shaw
A. Joshua Sherman
Colleen & Henry Simonds
Anna Solomon
Megan Staffel
David Stahl
Michele & Robert Stepto
Regena & Hew Stith
Jeneva Burroughs Stone & Roger A. Stone
Maeve & Harry Streep III
Elly & James Swartz
Molly Tamarkin
Frances-Noël Thomas
Peter Turchi
Susan & Roberto Veguez
Terry Fromson & Jonathan Walters
Lynette Prescott & Michael Wieczorek
Christian Wiman
Jacquelyn & Barry Wright

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