Traci Brimhall | Poetry
for Albie Sachs
it’s a round chapel-like gallery
baloyi built it with bare hands in the bush
with everything he could find
without begging or sulking
he built it with stones and bricks
and grass and reeds and weeds
he built it with grey tiles
and scraps of steel and corrugated iron
mirrors glint on the walls
wheel hubs have moulded the spherical windows
the floor is covered by patterned cowdung
the walls are painted with ochre and animal figures
baloyi bought a generator
he was tired of finding his way through fireflies, moon and stars
he bought a truck to collect twisted logs of mondo
brought down by elephants in phafuri and makuleke
baloyi sat under the mango tree
carving drums with tails and legs
his darlings—kangaroos and camels
dolphins and shuddering beasts
carving and filing wingless birds that soared up in the skies
carving tindzhundzhu with breasts that glugged mud
carving a godzilla to guard the constitutional court in distant joburg
carving the foreign species that surround his dreams
albie sachs came to the opening of baloyi’s art gallery
how i wish he were the minister of arts and culture
he would buy and place these sculptures
in all of our public spaces
now baloyi has died and clouds are forming, rains are coming
water will pour through the leaking roof
ants will mottle the wood piece by piece
until it dissolves
“Baolyi’s art gallery” appears in NER 38.4
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