NER Ulysses Reading Series: National Poetry Month Edition - April 17, 7 PM, Humanities House, Middlebury College

Helene Achanzar is a Filipina-Canadian poet and educator. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Oxford American, jubilat, the Georgia Review, and elsewhere. She is the Midwest regional chair for Kundiman, an associate editor for Poetry Northwest, and the director of programs at the Chicago Poetry Center.

Emma Aylor’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI, Colorado Review, Yale Review Online, New Ohio Review,and the Cincinnati Review, among other journals. She lives in West Texas.

Scott Broker is a queer writer based in Los Angeles. He is a graduate of Ohio State University’s MFA Program and a Lambda Fellow, and his work has been a finalist for the Iowa Review Award in fiction, an honorable mention in Glimmer Train’s “Fiction Open” contest, and a nominee for three Pushcart Prizes. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Idaho Review, Joyland,the Cincinnati Review, Foglifter, Catapult,and the Rumpus, among others. He can be found at or on Twitter @scottjbroker.

Jung Hae Chae is a Korean-American writer from New Jersey. Her work has appeared or will soon in AGNI, Crazyhorse, Guernica, Ploughshares,and elsewhere. She is the winner of the 2021 Crazyhorse Prize in Nonfiction, the 2019 Emerging Writer’s Contest in nonfiction from Ploughshares,as well as a 2019 Pushcart Prize for nonfiction.

Samantha Xiao Cody is a queer, half–Chinese writer pursuing her MFA at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She won the 2019 Winter Short Story Award for New Writers from the Masters Review and was a runner up for the Missouri Review’s 2020 Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize, and has work published in Split Lip Magazine, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. She won a Best of the Net award and was selected for the Best Small Fictions anthology in 2021. She loves to knit and noodle around on the mandolin.

Katherine Damm was raised in Philadelphia and now lives in Chicago. Her short fiction has appeared in Ploughshares and the Harvard Advocate, and she received her MFA from the Programs in Writing at the University of California, Irvine. She is working on a novel.

Tim Fitts is a short story writer and photographer. He is the author of The Soju Club (Loupe, 2016; published as a Korean translation) and two short story collections, Hypothermia (MadHat Press, 2017) and Go Home and Cry for Yourselves (Xavier Review Press, 2016). His fiction and photography have been published in journals such as Granta, the Gettysburg Review, Boulevard, New England Review, American Literary Review, and Columbia Journal, among others. His photography can be seen at the Thomas Deans Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia.

Jonathan Gleason is an essayist, medical interpreter, and third–year MFA candidate at the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program, where he is working on a collection of essays about medicine, illness, and the body. His work has previously appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Kenyon Review, Denver Quarterly, Fugue, Redivider, and others.

Jake Goldwasser is a poet and cartoonist based in Iowa City. His poetry can be found in Grist,the Spectacle,and elsewhere; his artwork has been featured in the New Yorker and as a weekly installment in the Sunday Long Read. He is an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

G. K. Heart holds an MFA in writing from Columbia University School of the Arts and is an assistant professor of law at Widener University Delaware Law School. Her work has been published by Granta, the Southern Review, and other magazines. Heart’s previous work “Confessions on Womanhood” appeared in New England Review in 2018 under an alternative name, which she has since renounced in dissent against the Indian caste system.

Hanh Hoang is a Vietnamese–born writer who holds degrees in creative writing from Saint Mary’s College of California and Florida State University. She was a finalist for Missouri Review’s Jeffrey E. Smith Editor’s Prize in fiction, and her stories have earned her the David T. K. Wong writing fellowship in the United Kingdom and the 2005 Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition grand prize. Her work has appeared in several anthologies. She lives in Tallahassee, Florida, and is currently working on a collection of short stories.

Margaret Kaplan holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia University. She is a recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize, and her work has been published in Small Orange Journal. She resides in Brooklyn, New York, where she edits nonfiction books and works as a copywriter.

Daniel Kennedy holds an MFA from Virginia Tech, where he won the Emily Morrison Prize in Fiction. His writing has appeared in the Carolina Quarterly, Arts & Letters, Madison Review, Typehouse Literary Magazine,and elsewhere. He is currently a PhD candidate in the University of Houston’s Creative Writing Program.

Bo Lewis is a Virginia native and a graduate of the Brooklyn College MFA Program. His stories have appeared in Oxford American, Glimmer Train, Story,and New Ohio Review. He teaches at a public high school in Brooklyn and is currently working on a novel.

Rachel Mannheimer was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, and lives in New Haven, Connecticut. Her first book, Earth Room (Changes Press, 2022), was the inaugural winner of the Bergman Prize, selected by Louise Glück.

Tawanda Mulalu was born in Gaborone, Botswana. He has two poetry collections forthcoming: Nearness (New Delta Review, 2021) and Please make me pretty, I don’t want to die (Princeton University Press, 2022). He mains Ken in Street Fighter.

Hera Naguib’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in by the American Academy of Poets, the Cincinnati Review, Gulf Coast, and World Literature Today, among other publications. Find her at

Liliana Ponce is an Argentine poet and scholar of Japanese literature and writing. She has published five collections of poetry: Trama continua (Corregidor, 1976), which was awarded the Primer Premio Fondo Nacional de las Artes; Composición (Ultimo Reino, 1984); Teoría de la voz y el sueño (tsé–tsé, 2001); Fudekara (tsé–tsé, 2008); and Paseante y Huésped (Club Hem, 2016). Her poems, essays, and translations of Japanese poetry have appeared widely in both Argentinian and international literary journals, and her work was included in the celebrated anthology 200 años de poesía argentina (Alfaguara, 2010).

J. T. Price has lived in Brooklyn since 2001. His fiction has appeared in New England Review, Post Road, Guernica, Fence, Schuylkill Valley Journal, the Brooklyn Rail, Juked, Electric Literature, and elsewhere; his nonfiction, interviews, and reviews have appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, BOMB Magazine, the Scofield, and the Millions.

Alejandro Puyana is a Venezuelan writer living in Austin, Texas. His work was selected for Best American Short Stories 2020 and has appeared in American Short Fiction, Tin House, Idaho Review, Electric Lit, and others. He’s currently a fellow at the Michener Center for Writers, where he is working on his first novel. He tweets from @Puyana.

Leslie Sainz is a first generation Cuban-American, born and raised in Miami, Florida. The recipient of a 2021 National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship, she received her MFA in poetry from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her work has appeared in Kenyon Review Online, AGNI, jubilat, Narrative, Black Warrior Review, and others. A two-time National Poetry Series finalist, she’s received scholarships, fellowships, and honors from CantoMundo, The Miami Writers Institute, the Adroit Journal, and The Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts at Bucknell University.

Rob Shapiro received an MFA at the University of Virginia where he was awarded the Academy of American Poets Prize. His poetry has appeared in AGNI, the Southern Review, and Ecotone, and he has received the Edward Stanley Award from Prairie Schooner as well as third place in Narrative’s 30 Below Contest. He lives in New York City.

Michael Martin Shea is a poet, translator, editor, and literary critic. His translation of Liliana Ponce’s Diario (Diary) was published as a bilingual chapbook by Ugly Duckling Presse in 2018. Additional translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Asymptote and Gulf Coast. He is the author of three chapbooks of poetry and hybrid writing, and his work has appeared in Colorado Review, Conjunctions, Fence, jubilat, Pleiades, and elsewhere. He lives in Philadelphia, where he is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania.

Burnside Soleil grew up in a houseboat on the bayou, but these days he is a pilgrim in New Orleans. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in PANK, Kenyon Review, Southampton Review, and elsewhere.

Marguerite W. Sullivan’s work has appeared in the Georgia Review, Denver Quarterly, Conjunctions Web, NOON, and several other publications. She is completing work on a novel.

Ajibola Tolase is a Nigerian poet and essayist. He graduated from the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His chapbook, Koola Lobitos (Akashic Books), was published in spring 2021 as a part of the New Generation African Poets Series edited by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani. His work has appeared in American Chordata, Literary Hub, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. He is a 2021–2023 Stegner Fellow at Stanford University.

Sam Wachman is a senior at Brandeis University. His short fiction has been published in Sonora Review and the Hunger, and was awarded honorable mention in the 2021 Emerging Writer’s Contest in fiction from Ploughshares. He is an EMT, a scuba diver, and an inveterate language–learner. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Shelley Wong is the author of the forthcoming As She Appears (YesYes Books, 2022) and the chapbook RARE BIRDS (Diode Editions, 2017), as well as the winner of the 2019 Pamet River Prize. Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Gulf Coast, Kenyon Review, and the New Republic. She has received a Pushcart Prize and fellowships from MacDowell, Kundiman, and Vermont Studio Center. She is an affiliate artist at Headlands Center for the Arts and lives in San Francisco.

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