NER Ulysses Reading Series: National Poetry Month Edition - April 17, 7 PM, Humanities House, Middlebury College
Someone always asks me “where are you from”
And I want to say a body is a body of matter flung
From all corners of the universe and I am a patriot
Of breath of sin of the endless clamor out the window
But what I say is I am from nowhere
Which is also a convenience a kind of lie


When I was sitting in the Mumbai airport this January
On a forty-hour layover rushing home because
My mother had had a stroke and could not speak
I wondered about my words
Perhaps I am from my words
Because the basic biography is ordinary


Born in Croydon to a mother and a father who
On different sides of a national border
Were married in war time and had to reunite in England
The only place they could both get to
Born at home—76 Bingham Street
Midwived and not doctored into the world


Taken back to India when the war was over
Where I came into language and of the seven
That were spoken in the house I began speaking four as the same
Then to the cold Canadian north we went to a town that no longer exists
On the other side of Cross Lake from the Indians
Who lost everything because of the dam my father was helping to build


Then to Winnipeg then to New York City
Then to Buffalo
Which I can claim
I can say I am from Buffalo because
It is a city of poets
The city of Lucille Clifton


I arrive there in cold January to find my mother
A little slowed down but still self-possessed enough
To cook meals for everyone
Even if she didn’t remember the names of all the spices she was using
She talks by the time I arrive but slowly and deliberately
And she has to listen very carefully to be able to respond


She pauses while she talks and cocks her head while she thinks
She does not criticize me nor say anything about my wild hair
Our ordinary silence does not seem as suffocating
Because I wait patiently while she strains to find each word
And what on earth does it mean that
I almost like my mother better this way


When my mother went to her medical appointment
I got out my copy of good woman and combed through its lines
To find the addresses where Lucille lived and grew up
I climb into the car with a map and a journal and drive
Through the snow to find those places and take photographs
Of the empty lots where the houses once stood


I have no answer to your question
I am not kidding when I tell you:


I earned my own voice
The shape it makes in the world holds me
I have no hometown no mother tongue


I have not been a good son



from NER 38.1
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