NER Ulysses Reading Series: National Poetry Month Edition - April 17, 7 PM, Humanities House, Middlebury College

Linda Maria Baros is a poet, translator, and publisher with a PhD in comparative literature from the Sorbonne University. Baros has published seven books of poetry, including La nageuse désosséeLégendes métropolitaines (The Deboned Swimmer: Metropolitan Legends, Le Castor Astral, 2020), which was awarded the 2021 Grand Prize for Poetry by the Writers’ Society, France; the 2021 International Francophone Prize of the Montréal Poetry Festival; and the 2021 Rimbaud Prize of the Poetry House, Paris. Her poems have been published in translation in forty-one countries. The winner of the prestigious Apollinaire Prize, Baros lives in Paris.

Oliver Baez Bendorf is the author of Consider the Rooster, forthcoming from Nightboat Books in September 2024, and two previous collections of poems: Advantages of Being Evergreen (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2019) and The Spectral Wilderness (Kent State University Press, 2015). He has received fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, The Publishing Triangle, CantoMundo, Vermont Studio Center, and the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. Born and raised in Iowa, he now lives in Colorado.

Tara Bergin is from Dublin and has published three collections of poetry with Carcanet Press: This Is Yarrow, winner of the Seamus Heaney Prize for Poetry, The Tragic Death of Eleanor Marx, which was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot and Forward Prizes, and Savage Tales, which was shortlisted for the 2023 Pigott Poetry Prize. Tara now lives in the North of England. She lectures part-time in the creative writing program at Newcastle University.

Mark Kyungsoo Bias is a recipient of the 2022 Joseph Langland Poetry Prize and the 2020 William Matthews Poetry Prize. His work appears or is forthcoming in Academy of American Poets, the Adroit JournalBest New Poets, the CommonHayden’s Ferry Review, the OffingPANKWashington Square Review, and elsewhere. A 2021 Tin House Scholar and 92Y Discovery semifinalist, he holds an MFA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he was a REAL Fellow. He currently lives in Korea.

Caroline Bracken’s poems have been published in the Irish TimesBelfield Literary Review, the NorthGutter Magazine, the Fish AnthologyBest New British & Irish Poets 2019–2021, the Honest Ulsterman, and elsewhere. She was a finalist for the 2020 Manchester Writing Prize, and was selected for the 2018 Poetry Ireland Introductions Series. She was born and lives in Ireland.

Edel Burke grew up in Co. Galway, Ireland, and currently lives in Co. Mayo. She is the recipient of the 2021 Words Ireland/Mayo Co. Council National Mentorship Programme, winner of the 2017 Dromineer Poetry Competition, and was highly commended in the 2017 iYeats Poetry Competition. Her submission was longlisted for the 2021 Aryamati Pamphlet Prize. Her poems have been published in a number of journals including CrannógBanshee Literary JournalBoyne Berries, the Cormorant BroadsheetBook, and Drawn to the Light Press. Edel is working towards a first collection.

Conor Cleary lives in Belfast and holds an MA in poetry from Queen’s University Belfast. In 2018 he won the Patrick Kavanagh Award. His debut poetry pamphlet, priced out, was published by The Emma Press in 2019.

Simon Costello’s work is published in the Poetry Reviewbath magg, the London MagazineBanshee, the Moth, the Stinging Fly, the RialtoMagma, and elsewhere. He lives in Co. Offaly, Ireland, and is a PhD candidate at University College Dublin. His debut pamphlet, Saturn Devouring, will be published by The Lifeboat Press in 2024.

Susan Daitch is the author of six novels and a collection of short stories, most recently Siege of Comedians, from Dzanc Books. Her work has been the recipient of a New York Foundation of Arts Grant, an NEA Heritage Award, and two Vogelstein Fellowships. She lives in Brooklyn and is working on a book about eugenics and consciousness. Her work “Three Essays,” which first appeared in NER 42.1, was listed as Notable in Best American Essays 2022.

Elsa Drucaroff was born and raised in Buenos Aires. She holds a PhD in social sciences and is a professor of languages and literature at the University of Buenos Aires, where she has taught for several decades. Drucaroff is the author of four novels and numerous short stories and essays. “Lili in Her Forest” is from her 2019 short story collection, Checkpoint. Her work has been translated into Polish and Serbo-Croatian, and her first full-length English-language translation will be coming out next year.

Slava Faybysh was born in Ukraine and immigrated to the United States as a child. He translates from Spanish and Russian, both of which he studied at Oberlin College. His translation of Elsa Drucaroff ’s historical thriller Rodolfo Walsh’s Last Case is set to be published by Corylus Books in 2024. Other translations of his have appeared in Asymptote JournalLatin American Literature Today, and Another Chicago Magazine, among others.

Elaine Feeney is a writer from the west of Ireland. She has published three poetry collections including The Radio Was Gospel & Rise (Salmon Poetry, 2014). Her debut novel, As You Were (Vintage & Biblioasis, 2020), won the 2021 Dalkey Book Festival’s Emerging Writer Prize, Kate O’Brien Prize, and the Society of Authors’ McKitterick Prize, and was shortlisted for Novel of the Year at the Irish Book Awards and the Rathbones-Folio Prize. Feeney wrote the multi-award-winning drama WRoNGHEADED. She lectures at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her next novel, How to Build a Boat, will be published in 2023.

Lise Funderburg is an award-winning author and journalist. Her books include the memoir Pig Candy: Taking My Father South, Taking My Father Home (Free Press, 2009), the oral history Black, White, Other: Biracial Americans Talk about Race and Identity (Morrow, 1994), and Apple, Tree: Writers on Their Parents (University of Nebraska Press, 2019). Her essays have appeared in Threepenny ReviewBroad StreetBrevity, the Chattahoochee Review, the NationCleaver, the New York Times, and elsewhere. The recipient of numerous fellowships and grants, she teaches creative writing at the University of Pennsylvania. Find out more at

Susanna Galbraith’s poems have appeared in AnthropoceneBerlin LitBansheeChannel MagazineCyphers, the TangerineWashing Windows Too, and elsewhere. She won the 2021 Red Line Book Festival Poetry Competition and is a recipient of a 2022–23 ACNI SIAP award. She studied at Trinity College Dublin and University of York, and she is an editor of Abridged. Her first pamphlet is forthcoming from Nine Pens Press in 2023.

Peter Gizzi’s recent books include Fierce Elegy (Wesleyan, 2023), Now It’s Dark (Wesleyan, 2020), and Archeophonics (Wesleyan, 2016). In 2020, Carcanet published Sky Burial: New and Selected Poems in the UK. His honors include fellowships from the Rex Foundation, the Fund for Poetry, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Judith E. Wilson Visiting Fellowship in Poetry at the University of Cambridge. In 2018, Wesleyan brought out In the Air: Essays on the Poetry of Peter Gizzi. He teaches poetry and poetics in the MFA program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Emily Graham is a writer and translator of contemporary French poetry. From Cleveland, Ohio, she lived in Connecticut for four years before returning to the Midwest, where she is currently an MFA student in literary translation at the University of Iowa. She is the recipient of the 2022 World Literature Today Student Translation Prize in Poetry for her translation of Linda Maria Baros’s poem “Je sors dans la rue avec l’ange.” Her work is forthcoming in Modern Poetry in Translation.

Carlie Hoffman is the author of When There Was Light (Four Way Books, 2023) and This Alaska (Four Way Books, 2021), winner of the NCPA Gold Award in Poetry and a finalist for the Foreword Indies Book of the Year Award. Her honors as a poet and translator include a Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Prize and a Poets & Writers Amy Award. Her work has been published in Los Angeles Review of BooksKenyon ReviewBoston ReviewNew England ReviewJewish Currents, and other publications. Carlie is the founder and editor-in-chief of Small Orange Journal.

Eleanor Hooker is a poet and writer. Her third poetry collection, Of Ochre and Ash (Dedalus Press, 2021), was the recipient of the 2022 Michael Hartnett Award. A recipient of the Markievicz Award, her collection Where Memory Lies will be published by Bonnefant Press in 2023. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Ireland ReviewPOETRYPoetry ReviewPN ReviewAgendaWinter PapersNew Hibernia Review, and Archipelago. Eleanor is a PhD candidate at the University of Limerick and holds an MPhil in creative writing from Trinity College Dublin. She is a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, and a helm and Press Officer for Lough Derg RNLI Lifeboat. Website:

Anu Kandikuppa’s essays, flash fiction, and short stories have appeared in Colorado ReviewMichigan Quarterly ReviewSanta Monica Review, and other journals, and have been recognized by the Pushcart Prize and other awards. She has worked as an economics consultant in a former life and lives in Boston. Her website is

Victoria Kennefick’s debut poetry collection, Eat or We Both Starve (Carcanet Press, 2021), won the Seamus Heaney First Collection Poetry Prize and the Dalkey Book Festival Emerging Writer of the Year Award. It was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize, the Costa Poetry Book Award, the Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry, and the Butler Literary Prize. Victoria is the Poet-in-Residence at the Yeats Society Sligo and the 2023 UCD/Arts Council of Ireland Writer-in-Residence. She is also an editor for the online journal bath magg.

Joan Leegant is the author of An Hour in Paradise: Stories (W. W. Norton, 2003), winner of the PEN/New England Book Award, the Wallant Award, and finalist for the National Jewish Book Award; and a novel, Wherever You Go (W. W. Norton, 2010). Her second collection, Displaced Persons: Stories, in which “Wild Animals” will appear, won the 2022 New American Fiction Prize judged by Weike Wang and will be out from New American Press in 2024. Joan is a former attorney and has taught writing in numerous academic and community settings. She lives in Newton, Massachusetts.

Shara Lessley is the author of The Explosive Expert’s Wife (University of Wisconsin Press, 2018), winner of the Sheila Margaret Motton prize, Two-Headed Nightingale (New Issues Poetry & Prose, 2012), and co-editor of The Poem’s Country: Place & Poetic Practice (Pleiades Press, 2018). A former Stegner Fellow at Stanford, her awards include an NEA fellowship, Washington College’s Mary Wood Fellowship, University of Wisconsin’s Diane Middlebrook Poetry Fellowship, Colgate University’s Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship, and a “Discovery”/ the Nation prize, among others. Shara’s poems have appeared in American Poetry ReviewIMAGEKenyon Review, and VQR, as well as the Pushcart and Best American Poetry anthologies. She is editor-at-large/associate nonfiction editor for West Branch.

Karin Lin-Greenberg is the author of the novel You Are Here (Counterpoint Press, 2023) and the story collections Vanished (University of Nebraska Press, 2022) and Faulty Predictions (University of Georgia Press, 2014). She is the recipient of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, the Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Prize, and a Pushcart Prize. She lives and teaches creative writing in upstate New York.

Catherine Phil MacCarthy is a native of Crecora, Co. Limerick, and has lived in Dublin since 1987. Her poetry books include Daughters of the House (Dedalus Press, 2019), The Invisible Threshold (Dedalus Press, 2012), Suntrap (Blackstaff Press, 2007), the blue globe (Blackstaff Press, 1998), This Hour of the Tide (Salmon Poetry, 1994), and the novel One Room an Everywhere (Blackstaff Press, 2003). She is a former editor of Poetry Ireland Review and received the Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Award for Irish Poetry in 2014. She was a recipient of Varuna’s International Writer Exchange in 2022, and awarded a month-long residency at Varuna, the National Writers’ House, NSW, Australia, to work on her forthcoming collection, Catching Sight.

Thomas McCarthy was born in Co. Waterford in 1954 and educated at University College Cork. He worked for many years at Cork City Libraries before he withdrew to write full-time in 2014. He has won many awards for his poetry, including the Patrick Kavanagh Award, the Alice Hunt Bartlett Prize, the O’Shaughnessy Prize, and the Ireland Funds Annual Literary Award. His tenth collection, Prophecy, was published by Carcanet Press in 2019. He is a former editor of Poetry Ireland Review and the Cork Review, and his latest book, Memory, Poetry and the Party: Journals 1974–2014, was published by the Gallery Press.

Gail McConnell is from Belfast. She is interested in the living and the dead, violence, creatureliness, queerness, and the possibilities and politics of language and form. Her debut poetry book, The Sun Is Open (Penned in the Margins, 2021), won the John Pollard Foundation International Poetry Award and the Christopher Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize. She has also published Northern Irish Poetry and Theology (Palgrave, 2014) and two poetry pamphlets: Fothermather (Ink Sweat & Tears, 2019) and Fourteen (Green Bottle Press, 2018). Gail is reader in English at Queen’s University, Belfast.

Luke Morgan’s second collection, Beast, was published by Arlen House in 2022. His poetry has appeared in many journals including Poetry ReviewPoetry Ireland ReviewMagma, and others. He lives and works in Galway, Ireland, as a writer and filmmaker. He is available at or on Twitter @LukeMorganPoet.

Olivia Muenz is a disabled writer from New York. She is the author of the poetry collection I Feel Fine (Switchback Books, 2023), which won the 2022 Gatewood Prize, and chapbook Where Was I Again (Essay Press, 2022). She holds an MFA in creative writing from Louisiana State University where she earned the Robert Penn Warren Thesis Award in prose and served as an editor for New Delta Review. She was a 2022 Tin House Summer Workshop participant, and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Michigan Quarterly ReviewMassachusetts Review, the Missouri ReviewGulf CoastBlack Warrior ReviewPleiadesDenver Quarterly, and elsewhere. Find her online at

Mary Noonan teaches French literature at University College Cork. Her first collection, The Fado House (Dedalus Press, 2012), was shortlisted for the Seamus Heaney Centre Prize for a First Collection and the Strong/Shine Award. A limited-edition pamphlet, Father, was published by Bonnefant Press in 2015. Her second collection, Stone Girl (Dedalus Press, 2019), was shortlisted for the Derek Walcott International Poetry Prize (2020). She was poetry editor of the literary journal Southword (2016–2018). Her poems have been published in Poetry Ireland ReviewPoetry ReviewPN ReviewPoetry LondonNew Hibernia Review, the Threepenny Review, and the Spectator.

Kevin O’Farrell is a poet from Dublin. He is working towards his first collection.

Louise O’Gorman is a photographic artist from Ireland. She travels the world with her camera documenting the people and its landscape. She creates images using movement, long exposures, reflections, and shadows. Using digital darkroom techniques, she creates composite painterly images of both her landscape and documentary photographs. Often putting herself in the frame when no one else is around, her self-portraits tell stories of a person, a place or an emotion.

Nessa O’Mahony is from Dublin. She has published five collections of poetry, most recently The Hollow Woman on the Island (Salmon Poetry, 2019). She co-edited Eavan Boland: Inside History (Arlen House, 2017), a book of critical essays and poetry celebrating the life and work of Eavan Boland with Siobhán Campbell, and co-edited Days of Clear Light: A Festschrift for Jessie Lendennie (Salmon Poetry, 2021) with Alan Hayes.

Efrén Ordóñez Garza is a writer from Monterrey, Mexico, living in New York City. He is the author of the novel Humo (NitroPress, 2017), the short story collection Gris infierno (Editorial An.alfa.beta, 2014), and the forthcoming novel Productos desechables (Textofilia, 2023), all written and published in Spanish. He is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at The City College of New York.

Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet from Ireland. With interests in religion, conflict, and language, he has lived in Belfast for most of the last twenty years. His poetry has been featured in Poetry Ireland, the Kenyon ReviewRTÉ’s Poem of the Week, as well as widely broadcasted and translated. He presents the podcast Poetry Unbound with On Being Studios. His latest publications are the pamphlet Feed the Beast (Broken Sleep Books, 2022) and Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World (Canongate and W. W. Norton, 2022).

Nicholas Petty is a British writer living in Utrecht, the Netherlands. His short fiction has previously been longlisted for the Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award and the Galley Beggar Press Short Story Prize. It has also been published in the London Magazine, the Moth MagazineShort Fiction Journal, and elsewhere. He is currently working on a novel and short story collection.

Jody Allen Randolph was a Mellon Fellow at University College Dublin before earning her doctorate from UC Santa Barbara. She served as assistant dean of the British Studies at Oxford Programme at St. John’s College, Oxford. Jody’s research and teaching specialties lie in twentieth-century and contemporary poetry, Irish literature, and Anglophone poetry. She is the editor of Eavan Boland: A Critical Companion (W. W. Norton, 2008), Close to the Next Moment (Carcanet Press, 2010), and A Poet’s Dublin (W. W. Norton, 2016). Her collection of Eavan Boland’s prose, Citizen Poet: New and Selected Essays, is forthcoming from W. W. Norton and Carcanet Press.

Meg Reynolds is a poet, artist, and teacher from New England whose work has been published in literary journals such as Mid-American ReviewRHINOIterant, and Prairie Schooner. She is a graduate of the Stonecoast MFA program, and her work has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize. Her second collection, Does the Earth, was published in May 2023 with Harpoon Books.

Mercè Rodoreda (1908–1983), the great Catalan novelist and author of short stories, spent a brief but intense period writing poetry. In exile from Spain, and after difficult years in wartorn France, she wrote several sonnet sequences. The experience influenced the development of her narrative style when, moving to Switzerland, she worked painstakingly on a new novel. Translated as Time of the Doves and In Diamond SquareLa plaça del Diamant (Club Editor, Barcelona, 1962) was embraced by the public. Institutional recognition and honors followed. Agonia de llum: La poesia secreta de Mercè Rodoreda (Angle Editorial, Barcelona) was published in 2002, and Agonia de llum (Godall Edicions, Barcelona) in 2022.

Stephen Sexton’s first book, If All the World and Love Were Young (Penguin, 2019), was the winner of the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. He was awarded the E. M. Forster Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature in 2020. He was the winner of the National Poetry Competition in 2016 and the recipient of an Eric Gregory Award in 2018. His second book, Cheryl’s Destinie, was published by Penguin in 2021 and was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best Collection.

Rebecca Simpson graduated with a degree in English literature from the University of Cambridge, where she also kept up Spanish and French studies. She began to pick up Catalan after moving to Barcelona and later studied the language. Having translated for many years, in 2020 she took the CIOL (UK) Translation Diploma to focus on literary translation. She also writes opera libretti and is a voice actor. Her translations of Mercè Rodoreda’s poetry were made with support from the translators program of the Institut Ramon Llull (Generalitat de Catalunya).

Annette Skade is from Manchester, England, and has lived on the Beara Peninsula on Ireland’s southwest coast for over thirty years. Her first collection, Thimblerig, was published by Bradshaw Books in 2013, and her poems appear in various poetry magazines and anthologies in Ireland, the UK, the US, and Australia. In 2021 she received a doctorate on the poetry of Anne Carson from Dublin City University, Ireland. She is currently completing a long poem, “Alga,” which celebrates the seaweed growing along the coast in her locality. Her ecopoetry chapbook, Alga, for which she received an Agility Award from the Arts Council of Ireland, will be published by Channel magazine in the summer of 2024.

Ching Ching Tan’s journey in America began with studying ESL at community colleges. Born and raised in Southern China, she writes, “At first, writing in English felt like wearing someone else’s clothes, awkward to my skin, but like a piece of kneading dough entering a cake mold, I grew to fit it over time.” She teaches public speaking for English learners at San Jose State University. An MFA candidate in creative nonfiction, she is writing her debut memoir, and her personal essays and op-eds have appeared in CNNHuffPostSFWPVisible Magazine, and Canyon Voices Magazine, among others. Find her at

Jessica Traynor is a poet, essayist, and librettist. Her debut poetry collection, Liffey Swim (Dedalus Press, 2014), was shortlisted for the Strong/Shine Award, and her book The Quick (Dedalus Press, 2018) was an Irish Times poetry choice. Her awards and honors include the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary and the Hennessy New Writer of the Year. Paper Boat, an opera commission from Irish National Opera and Music for Galway, premiered in April 2022. She has received residencies from the Yeats Society Sligo, the Seamus Heaney Home Place, and the DLR LexIcon. Her third collection, Pit Lullabies (Bloodaxe, 2022), was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. She was awarded the 2023 Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Award.

Molly Twomey grew up in Lismore, County Waterford, and lives in Cork. Her first collection, Raised Among Vultures (The Gallery Press, 2022), won the Southword Debut Collection Poetry Award, and was shortlisted for the Seamus Heaney Poetry Prize for Best First Collection and the Farmgate National Poetry Award.

George Uba is a professor emeritus from California State University, Northridge, where he served as chair of the Department of English and was a founding faculty member and acting chair of the Department of Asian American Studies. His poetry has appeared in Michigan Quarterly ReviewAtlanta ReviewPloughshares, the Southern Poetry Review, the Seattle Review, the Asian Pacific American JournalCarolina Quarterly, and elsewhere. A finalist in the Atlanta Review’s 2021 International Poetry Contest and the 54th New Millennium Writing Awards competition, he is author of a book of poetry, Disorient Ballroom (Turning Point, 2004), and a memoir, Water Thicker Than Blood: A Memoir of a Post-Internment Childhood (Temple University Press, 2022).

Eoghan Walls is an Irish poet. He won an Eric Gregory Award in 2006, and his most recent poetry collection, Pigeon Songs, was published by Seren in 2019. His debut novel, The Gospel of Orla, was published by Seven Stories Press in 2023.

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