New England Review and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference are delighted to announce the selection of Leslie Bazzett as the recipient of the sixth annual New England Review Award for Emerging Writers. She was chosen among a strong pool of emerging writers published in NER in 2019, including the six finalists.
Leslie Bazzett has published three stories in the New England Review: “Screen Test,” which was her debut publication and received “Special Mention” in the Pushcart Prize Anthology; “Studies in Composition,” which was listed as “Notable” in Best American Short Stories; and “The Maid of Laurel Avenue,” just published in summer 2019. Other work has appeared in NER Digital, Carolina Quarterly, West Branch, and Louisville Review, among other places. She has been a finalist for a Rona Jaffe Award and was a previous finalist for the NER Award for Emerging Writers. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband, poet Michael Bazzett, and their two children.
Leslie will attend the August 2020 conference as the Stephen Donadio Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Scholar. Congratulations to Leslie!