Photo courtesy of Annie Wenstrup
New England Review and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference are delighted to announce the selection of Annie Wenstrup as the recipient of the tenth annual New England Review Award for Emerging Writers. She was chosen among a strong pool of emerging writers published in NER in 2023, including the six finalists.
Annie Wenstrup’s poems “Exhibit D: Un-sent Memo” and “Ghost Pixels” appeared in NER 44.4.
Annie Wenstrup lives in Fairbanks, Alaska. Her poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Ecotone, Nimrod, Palette, and POETRY. She is an Indigenous Nations Poets Fellow and an Inuit Art Quarterly Art Writing Fellow. She has also received fellowships from the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, the Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center, and Storyknife.
Annie will receive a full scholarship to the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in August 2024, as the Stephen Donadio Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Scholar. Congratulations to Annie!